Reiki side effects

Reiki side effectsIn our opinion, Reiki does not have any side effects on the body, but Reiki can have bad side effects on the mind - it can cause a dependency on the "healer" and the "healing". There is no evidence whatsoever that Reiki actually works - the only evidence that exists is that it is pseudoscience, a scam, perpetrated by hoaxsters that simply want to get your money.
Reiki is quackery of the worst kind - a Ponzi-scheme, a pyramid game where practitioners have to pay large sums of money to get "certified" to a higher level.
A most serious side effect of Reiki is the emptying effect it has on the wallet of the Reiki-receiver.
Reiki practitioners often really believe their nonsense ("magical thinking"), and that's what makes them doubly dangerous.

This is our research on the alleged dangers of Reiki / adverse effects of Reiki and not medical advice!

1.  joe    Thursday, January 15, 2015

yes and the sooner these scam artists are locked up the better.

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